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St Christophers Academy

Year 2

Welcome to 2024- 2025

Year 2 Key Information page

The class teachers in Year 2 are:

Starling Class - Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Hart

Goldfinch Class- Mrs McCloskey and Mrs Bray

Should you have any questions, please use the email addresses below to contact your child's class teacher. Remember, we are here to help and the pupils' well-being, safety and learning are our priorities. 

Mrs Kennedy:

Mrs Hart:

Mrs McCloskey:

Mrs Bray:


PE | Burtonwood Community Primary School

Our PE lessons will be on a Monday and Wednesday. Children will need to arrive at school in their PE kit on these days and will remain in their PE kit for the duration of the day. 

Water bottles- Please ensure your child brings in a water bottle every day.

Reading Books - Reading books and Reading records should be brought to school daily. We encourage children to read every night to support their phonics. Please ensure that once you have read a book, you comment and sign so we know if it has been read.


