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St Christophers Academy

Year 3

Academic Year 2024/2025

The Year 3 teachers are:

Miss Shannon with Jay class :

Mrs Jones with Kingfisher class:

Supporting LKS2 is Miss Bailey and Miss James.

We are updating you weekly via the newsletter sent out on parent mail.  It can also be viewed via our website under 'about us/newsletters'

Should you have any questions, please use the email addresses above to contact your child's class teacher. Remember, we are here to help and the pupils' well-being, safety and learning are our priorities. 

Important Information

P.E. Kits

Children should wear their PE kits on PE days.  Trainers are only for PE.

PE days for the summer term are on Mondays and Wednesday.

Please ensure your child brings a named, reusable water bottle to school each day. 

Can we please remind all parents/guardians that earrings must be removed for PE lessons and long hair needs to be tied up. 


Spellings will be issued on Fridays. Children should practise these spellings in their green spelling books, ready for their spelling test on a Friday. Homework will be set on a Friday and due back the following Wednesday. Homework will consist of a mix of book work and or online tasks set on MyMaths or All children will be provided with homework books and they will be told which pages to complete. Occasionally, we may set topic based homework, for example, conduct research, create a piece of art etc. 


We encourage children in Year 3 to read at least 3 times a week to someone at home. All reading should be recorded in their 'Reading Records'. Please ensure your child brings their 'Reading Record' to school each day. 

Many thanks,

Year 3 team