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St Christophers Academy

Latest News

Year Group Assemblies

Assemblies are a huge part of St Christophers Academy and we want to provide parents with the opportunity to come and see their child performing with their Year group in an assembly. Across the year, Year groups and Key Stages will join together to deliver an assembly to parents and carers. We have shared the dates of these assemblies below. Timings and any further information will be sent out closer to each assembly date. We hope to see as many of you as possible! 

Year 1: 23rd May, 2024 

Year 2: 19th October, 2023 

Year 3: 7th March, 2024 

Year 4: 7th June, 2024 

Year 5: 25th January, 2024 

Year 6: 16th July, 2024. 

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  • 16/11/23

    Happy Diwali

    The children have helped decorate the school reception area for Diwali..we think it looks amazing!
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  • 15/11/23

    Book Fair Opens 23rd November

    Our Scholastic Book Fair opens next Thursday 23rd November  Books can be purchased after school outside the main office until Tuesday 5th December
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  • 19/10/23

    Non Uniform Day 20/10/23

    Friday 20th October is a non-uniform day.  Please bring £1 donation
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  • 16/10/23

    St Christophers Book Club!

    Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! .
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  • 19/09/23

    Christmas Fund Raising Project

    We are delighted to be working with Cauliflower cards this year to raise funds for our school with this fun Christmas project!
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  • 03/07/23

    Families Bedfordshire Magazine

    Here you will find the link to families bedfordshire magazine
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  • 29/06/22

    Second Hand School Uniform

    Our second hand school uniform shop is now open!
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  • 04/03/22

    World Book Day 2022

    What an amazing turn out for our World Book Day event this week!
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  • 03/03/22

    Donations for Ukraine

    We are collecting items to be delivered to the Ukrainian refugees in Poland. 
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  • 08/07/21

    It's coming home!

    To celebrate England reaching the final of Euro 2020 we are having a red & white non-uniform day on Friday 9th July
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  • 11/12/20

    Track and Trace

    If your child tests positive for Covid19 between 18th December and 24th December please complete a track and trace form.  This will enable us to keep a record and inform any contacts within the school community who may need to isolate.  We will also send this informaton on to the local aut...
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