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St Christophers Academy


Welcome to Reception, 

Here is some key information you may need whilst your child is in Reception class.

The class teachers in Reception are Miss Valukonyte, Mrs Worobec and Mrs Vass. Staff are always available if you have any queries at drop off or collection, but alternatively you can contact them on their emails below. 

Mrs Baldwin - (Early Years Lead) 

Mrs Worobec -

Miss Valukonyte -

What does my child need in Reception? 

Each day your child needs to bring in a see through named water bottle and their red school book bag or rucksack. 

Please make sure you have preordered your child's lunch via the schools online system, or alternatively please provide a healthy packed lunch. 

Our children are outside whatever the weather, so please send your child in with a pair of wellies, so they can explore our muddy areas. Alternatively, a named pair of wellies can be left at school. 

PE days

Reception children have weekly PE sessions with our Early Years Sports Coach. Children will need to arrive at school in their PE kit every Thursday. Please make sure that the all the children's items are named. 


In Early Years we use Tapestry online journals to share what your children have been learning. It also allows you to make comments on your child's learning and to share what they have been learning at home. You should all have accessed your accounts you can download the app or here is the link to the website: 

If you have any queries, please be in contact with Mrs Baldwin: