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St Christophers Academy

School Uniform

School uniform can be purchased from Best Look and their contact details are below: 

68 High Street North,
LU6 1LE.

Phone: 01582 603603

Second hand school uniform is available at the school reception for a donation.


At St Christophers Academy we believe that uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school and setting an appropriate tone. We believe that the wearing of the school uniform helps the pupils to feel part of the school community. Our uniform instils a sense of pride in our pupils and it helps to promote positive behaviour and discipline. Wearing a uniform helps to protect the pupils from social pressures to dress in a particular way; it provides a uniformity of appearance, leading to a fair policy of dressing for all pupils, regardless of home circumstance, gender or religion.

Health and Safety

The uniform is designed to be comfortable to wear, and contributes to the safety and wellbeing of pupils.

Children need to wear the school uniform for Physical Education and are not allowed to take part in lessons without the appropriate clothing. Spare uniform may be offered, but the loan of plimsolls is not made for health reasons.

Jewellery, other than a wristwatch and plain stud earrings (no glass cut or diamante), jewellery is not allowed. All jewellery, including earrings, must be removed or taped for Physical Education lessons. Hoop earrings and large studs can be very dangerous and are unsuitable for school, as are necklaces, rings and bracelets. No jewellery other than that of religious significance and should be worn on the inside of the academy uniform.

Hair designs must be appropriate for a school setting. Hair ornaments should be simple and in school colours. We do not permit extreme hairs styles such as ‘Mohican’ styled, dyed, or shaved with patterns or lines in.

Suitable low-heeled shoes should be worn. To ensure the working atmosphere of the school, we ask that shoes with the music and light feature are switched off. In summer, if sandals are worn, these should have a back and preferably cover toes, for safety. Boots should be of ankle height only. Boots above the ankle are not part of the uniform. Children are not allowed to wear trainers, or items with sports brand motifs, these are not part of the uniform.


Winter Uniform

Summer Uniform





Red school logo jumper or cardigan

Red school logo jumper

Red school logo jumper or cardigan

Red school logo jumper

White school logo polo top Year 1 - 6

Red school logo 

polo top for Nursery

and Reception

White school logo polo top Year 1 - 6

Red school logo

polo top for Nursery

and Reception

White school logo polo top Year 1 - 6

Red school logo 

polo top for Nursery

and Reception

White school logo polo top Year 1 - 6

Red school logo 

polo top for Nursery

and Reception

Grey school trousers (non tight fitting)

Grey school trousers

Red gingham dress


Grey school short trousers (non tight fitting)

Grey school dress or school skirt/tunic/culottes


Grey school dress or school skirt/tunic/culottes


Black school shoes for outside

Black school shoes for outside

Black school shoes for outside

Black school shoes for outside

Black indoor plimsolls (after October half term until spring half term)

Black indoor plimsolls

(after October half term until spring half term)

Sandals (optional)

If sandals are worn they must have a back and preferably cover the toes, for safety


Waterproof coat

Waterproof coat



Red or grey school tights Reception-Year 4




School red logo sun cap (optional)

School red logo sun cap (optional)

Plain red of grey tights Reception-Year 4

Plain red, grey or black school tights year 5 and 6


Plain red of grey tights Reception-Year 4

Plain red, grey or black school tights year 5 and 6


White school socks

White, grey or black school socks

White school socks

White, grey or black school socks

School Backpack FS2 – Y4 (optional)


School Backpack FS2 – Y4 (optional)



As a school, we are happy for pupils to wear a hijab as part of their religious dress, however, we do have the following requirements:

  • The hijab must be easily removed and replaced by the child
  • Hijabs must be removed for PE

PE/Games Kit

PE Uniform

Games Uniform

White school logo t-shirt

Red striped PE shorts

School logo red fleece hoodie or school logo red jumper/cardigan


White school logo t-shirt

Plain grey or black jogging bottoms

School logo red fleece hoodie or school logo red jumper/cardigan


Earrings to be removed or taped prior to the lesson

Points to Note

  • Stud earrings only (must be covered for PE)
  • No nail varnish
  • No makeup
  • No over-sized hair accessories 
  • No jewellery such as necklaces, bracelets
  • No smart watches
  • Long hair must be tied back

Naming Items

All articles of clothing, including shoes, must be clearly labelled with the child's name. It is important that shoes, especially plimsolls and trainers, are marked.

Lost Property

All items of property found around the school will be placed in the storage boxes in the school foyer. Children and parents are encouraged to check here first if an item is lost.

Information to Parents / Carers

The governing body approves the uniform policy, and any changes are notified to parents, giving reasonable time to allow parents to make changes without undue additional costs.

Parents are able to purchase items of uniform, from different sources.

The full uniform list is given to parents along with the prospectus.